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United Parcel Service (UPS)

UPS gets mad ups (a term of achievement for less socially inept of you who might be saying, “huh?!”) . If you weren’t already familiar with what UPS actually stands for (it’s not ‘ups’ sorry to disappoint, we’ll get through it together) it stands for the United States Parcel service. Similar to it’s rivaling competition (they who shall not be named) they specialize in the shipment of individual packages; with a main focus on the consumer rather than the distributor. Not that they don’t count. (There, there distributors, they still care.)


Despite the stigma of parents basements and achievements, there is an undeniable correlation between successful logistics companies and basement epiphanies. Just saying, the proof is in the packaging. In 1907, two teenage entrepreneurs by the names of Claude Ryan and Jim Casey founded the American Messenger Company with a $100 loan in Seattle, Washington. Imagine that, such little capital on which an entire empire was built.

The beginning stages of the company were very small, executing simple home-deliveries for drug store customers ; mainly for the elderly. They traveled by bicycle, also carrying notes and running errands for the inhabitants of Seattle. But the company quickly began to grow

Now, what started out as the American Messenger Company is now UPS; with a net worth of $750 million. UPS has expanded globally, with 4,930 storefronts and counting; as well as 38,800 drop boxes, 1,052 customer centers and authorized outlets. Long story short, they’re everywhere.

Drone Deliveries

The times, they are a changing. Long gone are the days where robots were considered to be some taboo, sci-fi entity that only existed in movies and various forms of entertainment. The future is now, and ready or not; here it is. Drone delivery is a thing.

Not only is drone delivery super freaking cool, but it also is going to revolutionize the world of delivery; decreasing delivery times and increasing delivery volumes. UPS has achieved this by building vans with retractable roofs for drone storage. The driver will lock the destined coordinated into the drones database, load it up with the packages and send it on its way. Upon delivery completion, the drone will return to its dock while the delivery personnel drops off packages the old fashioned way. They can double their productivity with very little effort.

This practice is not only efficient, but extremely sustainable. UPS predicts that the use of drones will lower carbon emissions, and will save the company a minimum of $50 million a year.


Right Turn Only

It’s not a myth, UPS trucks don’t turn left. They just don’t . And while it may seem silly and a bit counterproductive, the exact opposite reigns true. The lack of left turns (or right turns in the U.K. Australia, and whoever else drives on the opposite side of the road) has shown a major increase in efficiency and sustainability.

Statistically, only 10% of all UPS trucks make left turns. Why? I’m glad you asked. The company urges drivers to avoid any maneuvers that require them to drive into oncoming traffic. This practice helps  to avoid traffic accidents; therefore resulting in less time idling and producing emissions, as well as saving time that would be spent sorting out post-accident protocol. Abstinence is key. In this case anyway.

Their implementation of the “no left turn” rule has resulted in saving over 10 million gallons in fuel each year. Their trucks emit 20,000 tons less carbon dioxide, and has taken 1,000 UPS trucks off of the road.

A mathematical formula is used to strategize drop off points, calculating for the shortest and most efficient routes. Not coincidentally, the no-left turn rule is utilized and has proven to be more sustainable and efficient than free-for-all turning. Don’t believe me? The experts at MythBusters tested this method; and the results were undeniable. The no-left-turn system just works.


Although dispersed in many locations, UPS seems to have it’s heart in the right place. They are involved in a multitude of programs that ensure their services implement as little of a negative impact on the environment and communities as possible.

  • Portland, Oregon- Casey Redman, a trailblazer of the UPS agenda has taken sustainability into his own hands by delivering his packages by bike.
  • Hamburg, Germany- as a progressive city pioneering the “going green” movement, the city as a whole has completely banned the use of large trucks within the city during business hours to cut green house emissions. For a logistics company, this could be extremely damaging. But UPS is incredibly adaptable and has found way around this ban. Large trailers, packed to the gills with loads of packages are parked within the city center early in the day. Then, package tricycles, specifically designed for inner city transport; with 77 cubic feet of cargo space and loaded up, and sent out for delivery. These tricycles have a range of 21 miles, and top speed of 15 mph. These tricycles are soon to be implemented in Portland, Oregon (no doubt by the influence of Casey Redman)
  • The e-commerce boom is changing the way the logistics companies work and move their cargo; resulting in billions (2 billion to be exact) of stops per year, with fewer packages per stop.
  • UPS is pioneering in sustainable fuel practices, they have deployed over 7,200 alternative fuel vehicles, which is 7% of their total fleet.
  • Their “green fleet” of delivery automobiles have shown great advancement in terms of hybrid electric vehicles & trucks, natural gas, biomethane, and propane.
  • Since 2009, UPS has invested $750 million is developing smarter and green technologies, logging 1 billion miles using their sustainable vehicles, as well as implementing convenient fueling stations.


UPS gets mad ups for their advancement in sustainable technology, and all around availability. Personally, when given the option I tend to opt for UPS for the efficiency and convenience that they provide. Although the idea of drone delivery becoming commonplace is incredibly unsettling. The dawn of the age is upon us; signed, sealed, and delivered by none other than UPS.

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