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Is it just me, or when you think of FedEx, does a rabid volleyball worshipping Tom Hanks come to mind? No? You think of the actual company? You’re one step ahead of me then because that’s precisely what I aim to talk about. FedEx the company that is. At the forefront of shipment, FedEx now boasts a $2 billion net worth, and employs 400,000 loyal workers.

From the Basement Up

In assimilation to most corporate superstars, FedEx began with very humble beginnings. The first outlines were drawn from within the comfort of the basement of an undergrad’s home. Eh, hem shout out to the millennials inhabiting their parents basements.   In 1965, Frederick W. Smith, undergrad from Yale University themed his term paper to focus on logistical challenges that are commonly faced by leading firms in the information and technology industry.  At the time, many airfreight shippers relied solely on passenger routes ; restricting time frames and destinations. This method was not efficient for urgent shipments, an alternative method had to be put in place. So a system was designed that was specifically crafted for time-sensitive shipments such as medicine, computer parts and electronics. They have now expanded to international trade with Towergroup International,  leading in logistics and trade.


Ah, yes. So what services do they actually provide? More likely than not, you’ve shipped a gift to a friend, or  a box of souvenirs to yourself. Although FedEx does specialize in the individual shipment of goods, they offer a variety of services to tickle the fancy of their prospective or loyal customers.

  • Fast Shipping- guaranteed quick shipments whether you choose to go with air shipments, as well as ground.
  • FedEx Freight- for heavier, large cargo
  • Air/Ocean Freight Forwarding- international shipments
  • Temperature Control- for those finicky packages with temperature sensitivity
  • FedEx Delivery Manager- a program which customers can customize their delivery experience


Social Responsibility

As a giant corporation with a hefty load of influence (see what I did there?) they really set the standard by embracing their social responsibilities, and giving back to the community. This is a vital attribute for any company, large or small. They have to make their presence known, not only as a giant money mongering powerhouse; but as an attribute to the environment, and our communities. They fulfill their duties of social obligation by:

  • Helping businesses access new markets- this day and age; there are very few places where FedEx is not. Many start-up businesses now have an advantage, because through FedEx they are able to reach markets that were until recently, inaccessible.
  • Delivering For Good- this program is unique to FedEx. They utilize their vast network of global routes to deliver resources and goods to where they are needed most in times of disaster.
  • Sustainable transportation- logistic mapping that connects the world “responsibly and resourcefully” especially in the more urban areas.
  • Employment Pathways- offering employment to populations that may be underserved.
  • Road Safety- an emphasis on safety for both the drivers as well as the citizens of various communities.
  • Global Entrepreneurship-  giving advancement opportunities to women and minority owned businesses.
  • Charitable Investments- employees are required to serve their communities, quenching local needs by investing their time in the communities where they live and work.
  • Environmental Policy- actions taken to lower their carbon footprint by implementing smarter logistics.
  • Combat Slavery and Human Trafficking- (the most noble of causes yet, in my humble opinion) prohibiting traffic related activities, implementing a zero tolerance policy, and expecting employees to contact the FedEx Alert line to report any suspicious activity.

Panda Express

You heard me! Pandas! Those wobbly, mischievous balls of fluffy joy are not only my favorite animal but have been captivated in the eye of the press. FedEx has implemented a branch that specializes in the transportation of exotic animals. They have comprised airplanes, that are designed to carry large animals including but not limited to cattle, horses, and sea lions. And of course pandas! Bao Bao the Panda is the 6th panda to fly with FedEx Panda Express, catching the attention of newscasters on  a global scale. He was shipped from the National Zoo in Washington D.C.  to China; arriving safely and happily.

Okay, so Panda’s are adorable, but what does this have to do with logistics? Well, everything my dear skeptic. FedEx has been entrusted with the safety and care of a multitude of exotic animals worldwide, which is pretty freaking cool.


Comments From the Peanut Gallery

While perusing the captivating world of logistics and deciding which riveting company is the best to suit your needs, the savvy shopper will always turn to the most accurate source of information:  online reviews. To truly master the art of deciphering reviews, one must look passed all of the animosity and look for the positives and consistent patterns.

One issue that consistently comes up- the delivery personnel is not able to locate the recipient, so the parcel is brought back to the nearest facility for holding. Inconvenient? Sure. Not more inconvenient than having your package stolen from your porch but hey, different strokes for different folks. But it needs to be said, that in lieu of these horrific experiences, the customer service staff has been reported  as being courteous and helpful along the way, despite whatever mishaps may have taken place. More often than not, if the customer belonging to the stray parcel reports missing the delivery person, they will return at the end of their route to drop off the parcel as long as it is within a reasonable distance.  Some recipients have even shared reports of their packages arriving too early! Oh the nerve! Surely they’ll find a way to recover.


Would I consider FedEx while looking for THE logistics company to suit my needs? Well, they’re certainly a high contender. I suppose any company that specializes in the comfort and transportation of Panda Bears has my attention and utmost adoration, call me biased.




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